Aboriginal Art

Large Paintings

Central Australian art

Medium Paintings

Aboriginal art gallery

Small Paintings

Aboriginal Artifacts

Aboriginal Artifacts

Aboriginal art gallery

Our Art Gallery


Aboriginal Online Art Gallery, Port Macquarie, NSW Australia.

Welcome to Alpitye At Port | Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal art gallery

Alpitye At Port is an online art gallery situated in Port Macquarie NSW, Australia that specialise in quality traditional and contemporary aboriginal artwork from the central, eastern, and western deserts of Central Australia.

The name Alpitye (pronounced Ul-pita), an Eastern Arrernte word meaning flowers is a symbolic reference to the immense diversity of flora of Central Australia and it is used as a way of representing the multiplicity of the Dreamings of the central, western and eastern desert regions.

 Alpitye At Port invites you to browse through our website and explore the diversity of style, the use of colour and design in our range of artwork that we have available. All artwork shown on our website are authentic with provenance assured. The artwork comes with full documentation including artist profile and description of the story painted as told by the artist.

Aboriginal Art       Aboriginal Art         Aboriginal Art

Featured Artist from the Deserts Regions of Central Australia

Works by:

Selina Teece Pwerl

Charmaine Pwerl

Emily Pwerle

Janie Petyarre Morgan

Vera Williams

Jill Kelly Kemarre

Gloria Tamerre Petyarre

Esther Haywood Petyarre

Caroline Petrick Ngwarreye

Ngoia Pollard Napaltjarri

Janet Golder Kngwarreye

Maggie Bird Mpetyane

Paddy Bird

Alvira Bird Mpetyane

Rosemary Bird Mpetyane

Natalie Holmes

Colleen Wallace Nungarrayi

Alpitye At Port the one place in Port Macquarie to purchase authentic Aboriginal Central Desert Art.

You can purchase artwork online using Paypal by clicking the "Buy Now" button.

Or visit our display at

1/19 Short Street

Port Macquarie NSW



9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

9am to 12pm Sat

Closed - Sun.

Or contact Louella to make an appointment:

Email: alpityeatport@gmail.com

Mob: 0408 097 189

International Calls +61408 097 189



Aboriginal Art

Thomas Tjapaltjarri

Cat # Painting

Title: Tingari Cycle Dreaming

Size: 120 x 60cm

Med: Acrylic on Canvas







Get In Touch

Alpitye At Port, 1/19 Short St, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia. Mobile 0408 097 189 Email: alpityeatport@gmail.com